You probably know about the film and the book, The Secret. The philosophy of the Secret spilled over to Slovenia in time of re-birth, spiritual search and the search for balance between the matter and the mind, the being and appearance, between being here and beyond life.
When we talk about Higher Education (HE), we usually think of astandardisation and structure, which are encompassed in the term accreditation of programmes and ways of educating and being educated.
The case study in this paper presents an initial descriptive account of a local initiative in utilizing local resources to stimulate not only economic growth, but also rural resources, knowledge and experience of residents and entrepreneurs.
This paper addresses the theory of knowledge in relativistic terms of Paul Feyerabend, stressing the importance of personal involvement in the research and theorizing.
The book you hold in your hands portrays a wide spectrum of author’s experiences and realisations which emanate from her personal depth and desire for finding something more in the world which daily persuades us that this more is mere imagination.
What students say about doc. dr. Lucija Mulej
You have been voted the ‘best teacher’ by Slovenian MA students in 2010/11.
Authors are suggesting business world has evolutionary changed to the phase, where recent solutions not only no longer work, but are subjected to other social subsystems, were economy is no longer comprehended as domain of exponent growth.